


One of the most beautiful women in the world. Vanya is a brilliant 32 year old MD from the Sorbonne. She is an Amazon princess and granddaughter of a Shaman and king. She  possesses arcane knowledge and is a psychic and a healer.

A fashion-plate, she uses her money for the latest from the Paris runways. One can easily imagine her in vintage Alexander McQueen. She can afford the clothes being a ranking member of the Harp Foundation.

She’s a cougar which gets her in trouble with her steady - the second in command at the Foundation – Tenzin, a great psychic who is a handsome, athletic Tibetan and the perfect guy, physically. Although they are both ambitious, it’s a destructive relationship. They make each other jealous looking at others. When Miles arrives he knocks Vanya for a loop because her intuition tells her he’s something special in addition to being handsome and young.

She’s ambitious. She’s worked hard to get to the top and become the Imprex’s confidante. Like everyone else at the compound Vanya knows the Imprex is dangerous, but she, more than anyone has his ear and he’s enchanted with her – knew hew grandfather in Paris of the 20’s. So she is confident.

For Miles, with his dreams of wealth, Vanya  is the kind of woman he sees himself with. Accordingly, Vanya is part of the seduction of Miles Blackwell. But she’s a seductress who accidently falls in love with the man whom she’s seducing. Like everyone else who’s a Cult member in blood – she has an insect-truth – the preying mantis. Maneater. Sang froid.

Character Design by Khoi Pham
Art Direction by Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez


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